Hunting in


Hunting Cameroon

A prestigious hunting company in Ethiopia, our partner has managed to conserve vast wildlife habitat and vulnerable species in a country with the second largest human population in Africa, thanks to over 40 years of family management. Their success is mainly due to their long-term commitment philosophy to each of the areas they operate, and ensuring that local communities benefit directly from the products of hunting.


In particular, our partner has introduced local development taxes, based on the usual trophy fees. This program, combined with ethical hunting practices, is the main reason why our partner is firmly rooted in the local conservation landscape, at a time when most of the country is being converted to agriculture, and wildlife populations are being decimated, including in national parks.

Hunting as a conservation tool protects not only the game on offer, but all those that inhabit the areas, including little-known species such as the isabelline gazelle.

Our partner’s practices have played a key role in protecting the endemic Mountain Nyala and other endangered species in Ethiopia.

In particular, our partner has introduced local development taxes, based on the usual trophy fees. This program, combined with ethical hunting practices, is the main reason why our partner is firmly rooted in the local conservation landscape, at a time when most of the country is being converted to agriculture, and wildlife populations are being decimated, including in national parks.

Hunting as a conservation tool protects not only the game on offer, but all those that inhabit the areas, including little-known species such as the isabelline gazelle.

Our partner’s practices have played a key role in protecting the endemic Mountain Nyala and other endangered species in Ethiopia.

Key Species
Hunting Cameroon
Menelik's Bushbuck
Giant Forest Hog
Mountain Nyala

Abyssinian Bohor Reedbuck ︱ Abyssinian Bushbuck ︱ Abyssinian Greater Kudu ︱  Baboon (Anubis, Gelada & Hamadryas) ︱ Bat-eared Fox ︱ Blue Monkey ︱ Bushpig ︱ Caracal ︱ Chanler’s Mountain Reedbuck ︱ Colobus Monkey ︱ Common Duiker ︱ East African Defassa Waterbuck ︱ East African Oryx (beisa) ︱ East African Savanna Buffalo  Genet Cat ︱ Gerenuk (Northern & Southern) ︱ Grivet Monkey ︱ Gunther’s Dik-Dik (2 subspecies) ︱ Harar Dik-Dik ︱ Honey Badger ︱ Jackal (Black-backed, Golden, Side-Striped) ︱ Klipspringer ︱ Leopard ︱ Lesser Kudu (Northern & Southern) ︱ Mongoose ︱ Neumann’s Hartebeest ︱ Northern Grant’s Gazelle ︱ Salt’s Dik-Dik ︱ Serval ︱ Somali Soemmering’s Gazelle ︱ Spotted Hyena ︱ Sudan Oribi ︱ Swayne’s Dik-Dik ︱ Warthog (common & desert)  Wild Cat

Mountain Nyala
Menelik's Bushbuck
Forest Hog

Abyssinian Bohor Reedbuck ︱ Abyssinian Bushbuck ︱ Abyssinian Greater Kudu ︱  Baboon (Anubis, Gelada & Hamadryas) ︱ Bat-eared Fox ︱ Blue Monkey ︱ Bushpig ︱ Caracal ︱ Chanler’s Mountain Reedbuck ︱ Colobus Monkey ︱ Common Duiker ︱ East African Defassa Waterbuck ︱ East African Oryx (beisa) ︱ East African Savanna Buffalo  Genet Cat ︱ Gerenuk (Northern & Southern) ︱ Grivet Monkey ︱ Gunther’s Dik-Dik (2 subspecies) ︱ Harar Dik-Dik ︱ Honey Badger ︱ Jackal (Black-backed, Golden, Side-Striped) ︱ Klipspringer ︱ Leopard ︱ Lesser Kudu (Northern & Southern) ︱ Mongoose ︱ Neumann’s Hartebeest ︱ Northern Grant’s Gazelle ︱ Salt’s Dik-Dik ︱ Serval ︱ Somali Soemmering’s Gazelle ︱ Spotted Hyena ︱ Sudan Oribi ︱ Swayne’s Dik-Dik ︱ Warthog (common & desert)  Wild Cat

The Lodge
Hunting Cameroon

The hunting camp is a haven of peace in the middle of Ethiopia’s forested mountains.
You will stay in fully-equipped and comfortable tents. The style is sober and elegant, reminiscent of local architecture.

Why book with us?
Hunting Cameroon
best rate guaranteed:
-5% off your stay
Leave with confidence:
Approved partners
the best way to contribute
to wildlife conservation
For bookings and inquiries:

Write to us

Hunting Cameroon